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InFertility and IVF Treatment Packages in India

InFertility and IVF Treatment Packages in India

It is not an easy thing to understand the plight of childless, married couples but we at The India Healthcare try to do so by offering the best of Infertility Treatment Packages. The number of couples who cannot afford this treatment because of its high cost is quite high. But we believe that no one should be deprived of this happiness because of a thing like money. The cost of Infertility treatment in India is quite affordable. Services of treatments like Intra Uterine Insemination, In vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection, Testicular Sperm Aspiration, Embryo Freezing Excess, Semen/Sperm freezing, Assisted Hatching are offered. During your treatment, you enjoy the services a dedicated team of doctors and other assisting staff. Along with your treatment, you can also opt for a vacation in India and explore its world-renowned destinations.

Pre IVF Consultations and Investigations Procedure Cost (USD) Procedure Cost (INR)
Consultation with IVF Specialist 18 1080
Pre Fertility Investigations (Wife – Haemogram, Blood group, urine routine, RBS, VDRL, HBs Ag, HIV, HCV, FSH, LH, E2, Prolactine, Thyroid, AMH, Torch IgM, USG – TVS) (Husband – Blood group, VDRL, Hbs Ag, HIV, HCV, Semen analysis) 146 8760
Cycle Packages*
IVF – Includes 5 consultations, monitoring ultrasounds (stimulation to pick up), medicines and injections (stimulation to pick up), hormone tests (E2 and LH),short stay room rent, OT, anesthesia, embryologist and surgeon charges and OT consumables 3448 206880
IVF-ICSI 4051 243060
Egg Donor IVF-ICSI** 5603 336180
IVF-ICSI with PESA/TESA 4482 268920
Multiple IVF Cycles – 2nd cycle USD 2931* (INR 175860)* 3rd cycle USD 2586 (INR 155160) Multiple IVF-ICSI Cycles – 2nd cycle USD 3445 (INR 206700) 3rd cycle USD 3040 (INR 182400)
IUI (Intra uterine insemination) husband 195 11700
T.D.I. (donor) 260 15600
Laser Assisted Hatching 432 25920
Donor Sperm 105 6300
Embryo Freezing 260 15600
Cryopreservation for Embryo – per year or part thereof 390 23400
Sperm Freezing 105 6300
Sperm Freezing for IVF cycle 52 3120
Cryopreservation for Sperm – per year or part thereof 130 7800
Embryo (self) Thaw and Transfer 1035 62100
Donor Embryo Transfer 1985 119100
Semen Analysis 12 720
Quality Semen Analysis 32 1920
Endometrial Biopsy (Lab extra) 105 6300
Sonosalpingography 130 7800
Cyst Aspiration 155 9300
Dilatation 130 7800
PESA/TESA 520 31200

The charges mentioned in the above packages are just an estimate and are subject to change, depending on the medical problem and condition of the patient. These are not final packages as post-surgical complications also have a say in the actual bill.

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* You can also email your medical reports to info@theindiahealthcare.com for thorough medical advise.

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