Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine dealing with the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye. All evaluations that purport to diagnose eye disease should be carried out by a physician. An ophthalmologist is a doctor of medicine who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the eye, in addition to diagnosing systemic disease that manifest in eye signs or symptoms. Since ophthalmologists perform operations on eyes, they are considered to be both surgical and medical specialists. The word ‘ophthalmology’ comes from the Greek roots ‘ophthalmos’, meaning eye and ‘logos’ meaning word, thought, or discourse. Ophthalmology literally means ‘the science of eyes’. Ophthalmology treatment in India is one of the world’s best. Trained medical practioners study and practice this branch of medicine in top hospitals of the country.
Non-invasive cardiology and diagnostics looks into the detection and the treatment of heart disease wherein there is involvement of tests for evaluating and then diagnosing the disorders of the heart. A patient who has a history of heart disease, chest pain with reasons that are unknown or valvular heart comes for non-invasive evaluation that can be done through Electrocardiaogram (ECG), 2-D Colour Doppler, Peripheral Doppler, TEE Echo, Holter and Stress Echo or Stress Test.
Ophthalmology and Optometry are two different branches of medicine concerning the human eyes. Both have similarities but are not be confused with each other as they have their differences. An Optometrist works in the field of sight testing, diagnosing, correcting and treatment of vision changes. Basically, an Optometrist is an eye health care professional and not a medical doctor. The study of the field of optometry involves performing different vision and eye care tests, detecting certain eye abnormalities, prescribes for several eye care diseases and dispensing and prescribing corrective lenses. While an ophthalmologist is a certified medical doctor treating on vision and eye care. An ophthalmologist differs from opticians and optometrists in terms of training and treatment. An Ophthalmologist has completed the full training medical program and is licensed to perform surgery and medicine.
The Neuro ophthalmology is a special branch of medicine that deals large number of optic nerve disorders and neurological disorders. Many ophthalmic diseases are linked with neurologic disorders like strokes, brain tumors and multiple sclerosis. The disorder results in many visual problems such as double vision and blurred vision. Neuro Ophthalmology involves neurosurgery, neurology, Neuroradiology and ophthalmology. Generally Neuro- ophthalmology disorders requires the specialized care of physicians, neuro-ophthalmologists, radiologists, neurosurgeons and specifically general neurologists.