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Alternative Treatments in India

Alternative Treatments in India

Alternative medicine treatments, known as complementary medicines refer to different types of spiritual and natural healing process which are different from the regular western medical treatments or any other type of allopathic or pharmaceutical methods. Different such kinds of alternative treatments have been used in India from past many centuries. In such kinds of therapies the prime focus is on the cause of the complication to come with a result which will be efficient for a long duration or will be a stable one. Today, there are about 100 schedules of alternative medicines which are skilled even today, all around the world. Every country or a region has its own conventional structure of health. Same is the case with India.

These are such types of treatments which you can take up either personally or can also take-up along with other current treatments for the purpose of relaxing your mind, body and soul. For example, if anyone is going over a cancer treatment or any heart related treatment, then you can opt for such soothing treatment which is going to have an extremely specific and rejuvenating effect on you.


Following are the outstanding of alternative treatments in India: Such treatments focus on the feelings, acceptance and the thought of the patient himself They consider in the healing and restorative power of nature Natural method of healing and its positive decision may take a longer time to come back Diseases in such treatments are erase out from the root The patients undergoing such treatments can conclude a higher standard of health

The India Healthcare is one of the prime medical tourism companies, known because of its genuine efforts of trying excellent services to its clients. Your health is of utmost priority to us and therefore, we formulate tailor-made packages for you, which combine such alternative therapies. Therapies like Ayurvedic, Yoga or Naturopathy have the permission of your surgeons or doctors that gel well with your surgical methods. We also offer particular packages for such treatments, as per your medical condition.

Popular Alternative Treatments in India

The list of such treatments is long but following are the popular alternative treatments in India:

Ayurveda Therapy

Ayurveda has been skilled in the country for even more than 5,000 years. These types of a treatment consider that that illness is a position of imbalance in the structure of the human’s body. This complication can easily get detected through simple diagnostic procedure such as observing one’s tongue or reading one’s pulse. Ayurveda makes use of the simplest kinds of treatment process like mediation, massage, nutrition counseling, and natural medications and similar such kinds of procedure.


Naturopathy is the term given to nature’s cure that is a mix of different kinds of natural therapies and other such healing methods. These processes have been passed down through generations and are based on the knowledge of the antique and latest science. The curative properties of the elements: the sun, air, earth and water are used for natural cures. This structure considers that natural healing comes from within the body itself as the major cause of every disease is a violation of the law of nature.


Homeopathy is that types of a medical structure which puts into use hugely small doses of natural substances (remedies) in order to bring in incentive in the immunity system of the patient. There are sine very natural conditions which are forward by homeopaths in infants and other kinds of childhood diseases, along with fatigue, infections, allergies and chronic illnesses like arthritis.

Unani Therapy

In the case of Unani treatments there is the value of plants and herbs. Such kinds of offer cures for a number of diseases like elephantiasis, sinusitus, rheumatism, leucoderma and jaundice.

Yoga and Meditation Therapy

Yoga has been derived from Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ that means ‘to unite’ between the mind, body and the soul. Yoga and introspection are known as an immense way of achieving civilization and also one of most well-known alternative therapies. It is used in the curing various types of difficult diseases, be it physical or mental. Regular yoga and meditation practice can have some excellent results. This is actually a safe way of treating various complicated medical conditions. One can easily get away from numerous troubles like fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, hypertension, diabetes, hyperventilation, heart conditions and many more.

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